Willy The Whale!

Martin Perez
Nov 17, 2020


Students can enjoy this fun animated short story about a whale and his ocean. The story is a fun one, where the main character talks about how pollution has ruined his home. Will Willy’s home ever be restored to what it once was? Sit back, relax, and find out for yourself as you embark on this journey with Willy!

This fun and creative way shows students the importance of how pollution can affect the marine life in the ocean. This short story has some fun elements to it, but at the end of the day, it is to be considered a call for help from marine life. This would be beneficial to include in my classroom as a way to introduce the concept of marine pollution. The underlying theme of negative human effects on the environment, is shown perfectly in this video. This video would be a good anticipatory set/attention grabber, because it will engage students to want to help their friend Willy. This activity could be great to introduce to students, but should be broken into pieces for best results. Students should begin with some basic research of marine life pollution. Then they should proceed with coming up with a story that can accompany the idea that humans should not pollute the ocean. Once students have figured what their story is going to be about, then this is when they would begin to construct a video, similar to the one I created. The overall major theme would be marine life pollution, which is a broad topic, which would allow for students to have the freedom to create something of their own.

Photo by Brian Yurasits on Unsplash
Photo by Brian Yurasits on Unsplash



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